Welcome to figo Python binding documentation!

General notes

Register application: Applications that want to access the figo Connect must be registered beforehand. If you’d like to create a partner application, please email us. We will generate a client identifier and client secret for your application.

Demo Access: you can use the following access token to test drive figo connect without any risk or needing to even talk to us.


Demo Application

You can easily install the binding using pip:

pip install python-figo

Retrieving some data is very easy using the demo access from above:

from figo import FigoSession

session = FigoSession("ASHWLIkouP2O6_bgA2wWReRhletgWKHYjLqDaqb0LFfamim9RjexTo22ujRIP_cjLiRiSyQXyt2kM1eXU2XLFZQ0Hro15HikJQT_eNeT_9XQ")

# print out a list of accounts including its balance
for account in session.accounts:

# print out the list of all transactions on a specific account
for transaction in session.get_account("A1.2").transactions:

It is just as simple to allow users to login through the API:

import webbrowser
from figo import FigoConnection, FigoSession

connection = FigoConnection("<client ID>", "<client secret>", "http://my-domain.org/redirect-url")

def start_login():
    # open the webbrowser to kick of the login process
    webbrowser.open(connection.login_url(scope="accounts=ro transactions=ro", state="qweqwe"))

def process_redirect(authentication_code, state):
    # handle the redirect url invocation, which gets passed an authentication code and the state (from the initial login_url call)

    # authenticate the call
    if state != "qweqwe":
        raise Exception("Bogus redirect, wrong state")

    # trade in authentication code for access token
    token_dict = connection.convert_authentication_code(authentication_code)

    # start session
    session = FigoSession(token_dict["access_token"])

    # access data
    for account in session.accounts:

Module Documentation

Data Objects

Indices and tables